CPT Wealth Strategies – Our Blog2024-03-13T22:34:48+00:00

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Preparing for the Costs Associated with Long-Term Care Could Help Save Your Retirement Stability

You may think that saving a bunch of money is the only thing you need to do for retirement. This may be a dangerous way to think. Many things go into retirement strategies, and keeping an eye on the potential cost of long-term care is something that many people may not consider and may regret later. It may be easy [...]

April 22nd, 2024|Financial Planning, Healthcare|

3 Ages That Anchor Your Social Security Strategy

Did you know that you can reverse your decision to claim Social Security? There are rules and complications, but in some cases, it is possible to take your claim back.[1] If you’re new to thinking about Social Security, or if you want to make sure you’ve got your facts straight, this is the article for you. There are 3 important [...]

April 8th, 2024|Social Security|

Securing a Lasting Legacy: Strategies for Building Generational Wealth

In the complex and ever-evolving landscape of financial planning, the ultimate goal for many individuals extends beyond personal wealth accumulation. It encompasses a profound desire to ensure that their legacy endures through their descendants, manifesting as generational wealth. This ambition, while noble, is fraught with potential legal and financial hurdles, particularly in the realms of estate planning, including wills and [...]

March 27th, 2024|Estate Planning, Financial Planning|

Help Boost Your Income with These 3 Strategies

Do you feel like you have enough saved for retirement? Do you have anything saved for retirement? If your answer to either of these questions is no, then our financial professionals may have some strategies to help you turn your retirement income strategy around. Here are some things that our financial professionals recommend when it comes to boosting your retirement [...]

January 22nd, 2024|Retirement Income, Retirement Planning|

5 Retirement Mistakes to Avoid!

Retirement is a time of joy, celebration, and fun. However, amidst the excitement, it's essential to make sound financial decisions to help prevent costly mistakes down the road. Here are some common financial mistakes that people often make and why you should avoid them. Excessive Spending Retirement can easily come with accidental overspending. Whether it’s a dream vacation or another [...]

January 15th, 2024|Financial Planning|

Don’t Leave Your Retirement Stability Up to Chance

One crucial aspect that you should financially monitor is the common financial stumbling block encountered when shifting to a retirement lifestyle. Here are some valuable insights from our consultants for those on the verge of retirement: Stick to a Well-Constructed Plan Having a well-defined blueprint for your retirement plan, which considers your budget and expected expenditures, is crucial. If your [...]

January 8th, 2024|Retirement Planning|

Basic Retirement Planning Tips for Couples

Retirement may be something you’re planning for with a partner. If you are married or are living with someone and you’re both heading into retirement together, there are a lot of things that you’ll need to consider. After all, you’re not just planning for yourself; you’re planning two retirements together! This means you’ll have additional strategic challenges and solutions when [...]

January 2nd, 2024|Financial Planning, Retirement Planning|

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